Jun 26-28, Jul 5-7: Train trip

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Train to and from Illinois, June 26-28, July 5 -7, 2014

Pictures were all taken from a moving train, through windows, thus they may have reflections off the windows, be somewhat blurry, and otherwise not the best shots.

Going to Illinois, we were 5 hours late.

Coming back we were 5 1/2 hours late.

The train started late both ways, and that always contributes, since the trains must then work around the freight train schedule.

On the way back. there was additional wait time because of the weather, track maintenance, and two medical emergencies on board.

Coming back, we got on in Burlington, Iowa, but could not board at the station, because the platform was flooded.  They bused us to a crossing a few miles away, where we boarded.

Going, we had our Granddaughter with us.  Her first real train ride.  She was not much for just sitting back and watching the scenery, so we spent a lot of time playing cards and other things.

Mothball fleet:



Being mooned by guy on left, which is a tradition:
